A UX Analysis of the MyFitnessPal Mobile App

MyFitnessPal is one of the leading mobile, social health tracking applications on the market today.



  • Analyze the user experience of MyFitnessPal through a series of live user tests.

  • Design a test platform capable of recording mobile ux test session data directly on the mobile device.

  • Through the analysis of the test session data identify problems with the current interface design and suggest design solutions.


My Role

  • Test Platform and Protocol

  • Recruitment of test participants

  • Analysis - Process and Assets

  • Interface Design Suggestions



1.) Test Platform

  • iPhone 5 - (Jailbroken)

  • MyFitnessPal Mobile Application

  • Display Recorder

  • Voice Memo


2.) The Test Sessions

I asked each of the users to perform three basic activities with in MyFitnessPal.

  • Set a goal

  • Log a meal

  • Check progress

Test session data was logged based on the following categories

MFP Categories.png

The test data was then consolidated into one master table.

The data logged from each test session was mapped back to the MyFitnessPal UI in a storyboard format. This format enables a static view of the click path, user comments and insights gained from each user test. Each user quote or critical click-path event was mapped to an insight in a effort to give quantitative value to qualitative observations. 


Test 1 - Setting A Goal

Click-path, quotes and insights gained from users setting a goal in the MyFitnessPal iPhone app.

Click-path, quotes and insights gained from users setting a goal in the MyFitnessPal iPhone app.


Test 2 - Logging A Meal

Click-path, quotes and insights gained from users logging a meal in the MyFitnessPal iPhone app.

Click-path, quotes and insights gained from users logging a meal in the MyFitnessPal iPhone app.


Test 3 - Checking On Progress

Click-path, quotes and insights gained from users checking on progress towards a goal in the MyFitnessPal iPhone app.

Click-path, quotes and insights gained from users checking on progress towards a goal in the MyFitnessPal iPhone app.



  • The MyFitnessPal application struggles to turn its comprehensive functionality and data into empowering knowledge for it’s users.

  • User are motivated by their own progress. The news feed doesn't add any value to the user experience in its current form.

  • There are at least 4 different ways to edit data in the UI.  This was confusing to users.

  • There is inconsistency in data entry and validation.

  • Users sought guidance from the application.

  • Although the values are mathematically accurate they're not empowering by nature of the way the data is delivered.



  • Simplify the MyFitnessPal mobile UI.  

  • Highlight status and progress w/r/t plan for the day / week / month

  • Log Meals

  • Guidance on how to stay on plan to reach a goal

  • Enable the user to configure the home page to highlight whats most interesting to them.


S-1.) Simplify the MyFitnessPal mobile UI.  



Enable the user to get into the app, do what they need to do and get out as quickly as possible.

Deliver value through out the entire user experience.



Enable the user to configure the home page to highlight whats most interesting to them.


Logging Meals

S-2.) Strive to make the meal logging process faster and less convoluted. 



Enable a user to enter a meal in less than 1 minute.



Making the primary and secondary search more apparent with a contrasting indicator colors.

Make the secondary search button more obvious.


Insights and Guidance

S-3.) The daily data for (Goal, Food, Exercise, Net, Remaining) should be presented to the users in a way that is more illustrative of the surplus or deficiencies represented by the data.



Turn the data in the MyFitnessPal application into motivational and actionable insight.



Add the option to configure this data to be shown for Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrate too.


Final Thoughts

I'm not privy to the business plan or the product roadmap at MyFitnessPal but my experience tells me that there are no doubt many reasons why the product team would not be able to directly incorporate my suggestions into their product development plans. I'm keenly aware of the many challenges faced by a product manager in Silicon Valley. The team at MyFitnessPal has and continues to build a robust nutrition management tool. I look forward to seeing how the team enhances the application in the next release!


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